SRS News & Reports
Reflections on SRS2018
Over 230 delegates from all over the world gathered at the University of Sheffield between 3-5 July 2018 for the Society’s eighth biennial conference, some travelling from as far afield as South Korea and Australia, as well as Canada and the USA. The final programme comprised 192 papers delivered over sixty-seven panels, one round-table, four…
#SRS2018 Early Career Researcher Prize
Following the SRS Biennial Conference in Sheffield, Early Career Researchers were invited to submit the papers they presented to the SRS Conference Paper Prize. 44 papers were assessed by fourteen judges. The panels were impressed by the high quality of scholarship and the vibrancy of the research being undertaken by ECRS. The prize of £100…
#SRS2018 as told by you on Twitter
Prize for paper given by an Early Career Researcher at SRS2018
SRS Book Prize 2018: Winner Announced
The 2018 SRS book prize was awarded to Katherine Ibbett for her Compassion’s Edge: Fellow-Feeling and its limits in Early Modern France (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017). One further book was highly commended, Susanna Berger, The Art of Philosophy: Visual Thinking in Europe from the late Renaissance to the early Enlightenment (Princeton University Press, 2017). As…
New SRS Postdoctoral Fellows Announced (2018-19)
The Fellowships Committee is pleased to announce Amy Lidster and Eleanor Chan as the winners of this year’s Postdoctoral Fellowships Competition (2018-19). Amy’s project is entitled ‘Challenging authorship and authority in early modern paratexts’ and Eleanor’s project is ‘Reading through style: Conscious lines in European vocal polyphony and visual culture c.1600’. We received an unprecedented…
#SRSat50 We are pleased to announce three events to celebrate fifty years of the Society for Renaissance Studies. These are all based on the theme of the ‘Renaissance of the Senses’. There will be two public lectures on John Donne and the sense of smell in Dublin (13 September) and on Silent Shakespeare in York…
Perfume and Gunpowder Podcast
On 13th September 2017 at the National Library of Ireland in Dublin, Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin (Ireland Professor of Poetry) delivered the first in a series of three public lectures to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Society for Renaissance Studies. The series takes Renaissance senses as its theme. Focusing upon the sense of smell, Ní…
SRS at English Shared Futures
The Society for Renaissance Studies organised four panels at the English Shared Futures conference, which ran from 5th – 7th July 2017 in Newcastle. This conference was the first of its kind in the UK, drawing together researchers and teachers of English: it was organised by the English Association, University English and the National Association…
SRS Book Prize 2016: Winner Announced
The 2016 SRS book prize was awarded to Kate van Orden for her Materialities: Books, Readers and the Chanson in Sixteenth Century Europe (OUP, 2015). One further book was highly commended, Helmer Helmers, The Royalist Republic: Literature, Politics and Religion in the Anglo-Dutch Public Sphere (CUP, 2015). As ever, the judges were impressed by the high standard of the books entered for…
Reflections on SRS2016
Blogpost by the British School in Rome: BSR in Glasgow – 2016 SRS Bienniel Conference SRS in Glasgow: taken from the Bulletin, April 2017 It was a great privilege to be invited to organize the Society for Renaissance Studies’ seventh Biennial Conference at the University of Glasgow. Planning for the event, which was held over…